Friday, May 21, 2010

near one sea shore
I hear a mountain speaks about a far end desert
where no trees no shadows grow
to extend a branch to hang on
a better place to edge walk
for twisted brains like them..
away from the glare, in all secrecy;
an escape resort to hide…
that is what written in lines of destiny
to drink comforts in style..
And a claim that time to move?
They declare
in time table charts the time of others....
In historic books
History sounds great
Good - for story tellers
let them settle their silly scores in fictions
and let them not fun ride on others
in mountain peaks,.
in discriminative masks;
Yes, this earth now knows from them
that ex in ex form in extreme edges...
And now I see one zero in cliff
moves from north to join them in..
Ocean; listen the heartbeat of earth
and roar roar on all such extremes
until they stop their invasions
in seashores...

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