Saturday, January 29, 2011


I have seen umpteen palaces in my day dreams
and those were palaces of Gods not of humans....
How can I explain you that I do not know in words
but i see around human mansions in bricks and stones
not strong enough even to withstand a season of a life
and in pavilions of life which palace you show me
again and again as a relic from your past record book
Is it not built from the resources taken away
from the branches of a confederation
Is it not built on the ruins of your own shadow trees
in bricks and stones.....

Thursday, January 27, 2011


These days I count not numbers
which roll on hours of diminutive seconds
where childhood played once
and seasons draped flowers
of love and sat on a mountain peak
to slope against a landslide.
These days i count not my heartbeats
which roll around me like
musical notes in par with an electrocardiogram
Somewhere in between on my last
journey to a wild jungle like world
I lost my ink pen dried
i need no pen now to write
as i lost all ink marks from my finger tips
and i  stopped counting numbers
 and print marks in specifics....

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Can you see a world?
a mirror image, a replica
on which once you laid foundation
in stone and Saint Gobain glasses
for millions to gaze in astonishment
where against  your glass fields
I walked alone in my  day dreams
as simple as an autumn flower.
In images of  my eastern light house
I climbed not on a hill to place a flag
but  cimbed there to capture evening stars
in my eyes...
but today when i see you in the same world
lost and defeated on tinted million faces.
I drowned the whole of me 
in one sea and that sea reminds
me of seasons and sea shells... 
not of  goblets.....

It is true
you see a different me
changed like a season of snow
draped in autumn colours
Is that the one I yearned for
I do not know
but i know a thing or two now
that my eyes bring light
even now from the stars
of the infinite sky..

Thursday, January 20, 2011


You said the other day of colours
and rivers and made me listen
listen to hell bound insanity
that the only truth I must
carry in my heart is defeat
where in ring field you want
to weave a victorious black tag
and give a speech on empowered
souls and grace...
You said the other day of oceans
and dew drops and a  morning
bright like the hillside summer
I sit and listen and listen in all seasons
till the end of this road
And go on a space mission to see
where I can capture a fragment
of earth to place my earthen lamps
in autumn…
And at the end I can become
a listener of my own convictions ....

City got no dreams
Except concrete pillars
And in each measured pillars
You find iron ore,
a blend of cement and sand
not dreams
In  blocks you find moisture not water
No snow but a layer of smoke
like in fuel pipes
Real not but in artificial smiles
they capture your attention
in grace that is greased
on a layer of face pack
City got no dreams
but dreamy eyes of sleepless nights
drowned in ice cubes
there no ocean flows
but a crowd forms clusters
in designer moulds
and you find not you
but a layer, a mask
a pretence….